Drawing completely random boxes makes little sense. When you force yourself to use specific ratios and angles is when it actually becomes useful. Let’s dissect a popular box rotation exercise invented by Krenz!
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So, your boxes suck. Let’s see what the 3 most common issues drawing boxes are, and how to fix them!
Don’t EVER draw something you care about without first warming up. In this video I’ll show you some quick and easy way to get the pen rolling (pun intended) and gain more control on your
You need a drawing routine
Until I was about 20 years old, I used to draw randomly: I would sit down whenever I had time, and draw what I liked. Needless to say, I was struggling
Quantity Trumps Quality
If you are judging the effort you put into improving your art in terms of “hours spent”, you might want to rethink your strategy: how long you draw doesn’t matter as much as
How to actually improve your art
Last week I tried to convince you why copying from other artists is not only not bad, but is the best way to improve your skills. In this issue, we
Don’t reinvent the wheel.
I don’t know how to draw foliage well. What should I do? Hmm maybe I will just go out and draw some foliage from the nearby woods… right?
Are you trying too hard?
Burnout is a thing. The daily grind when you are trying to improve your art can take a significant toll on your mental health, so every now and then it’s a
Training alone is hard.
Training alone is depressing, because you are always triple-doubting every step you make.
Why being part of an art community is important
Do you find yourself starting a lot of drawings, but never finishing a single one?You start, but half the way in you get frustrated because “it doesn’t look right T_T fuck“ and give up. Sounds